Riding in Kelowna, British Columbia
Rates & Passes
Pay Per Minute
CAD$1 to unlock and CAD$0.35 per minute of riding + tax
Unlock Pass
CAD$6.99 + tax
30 Days
CAD$0.23/day + tax
Free unlimited unlocks for 30 days.
Day Pass
CAD$19.99 + tax
1 Day
Save up to 83%*
One day of free unlocks plus 30 minutes on rides over a 24-hour period (capped at a certain trip amount specified on the app).
Weekly Pass
CAD$44.99 + tax
7 Days
CAD$6.43/day + tax
7 days of free unlocks plus 30 minutes on rides over a 7 day period (capped at a certain trip amount specified on the app).
Monthly Pass
CAD$159.99 + tax
30 Days
CAD$5.33/day + tax
30 days of free unlocks plus 30 minutes on rides over a 30 day period (capped at a certain trip amount specified on the app).
Terms and Conditions apply.
Riding Safely
Do not ride on sidewalks! Walk your wheels if you must go on the sidewalk.
One rider per scooter. Double riding is strictly prohibited!
You must be at least 16 years old to ride shared e-scooters.
Do not drink and ride! Riding a scooter under the influence of alcohol is dangerous and a criminal offence.
Wearing a helmet is required to ride a shared e-scooter!
Ride safely! For the safety of yourself and others, please do not perform stunt riding.
Park responsibly!
Park your e-scooter upright in the 'furniture zone,' in line with bike racks, benches, trees and garbage bins.
Consider the needs of residents using mobility scooters and wheelchairs
You can park shared e-scooters in the parking lane of streets, as long as there are no posted time restrictions or pay parking is not in effect
Don't park in a way that will block or inhibit other sidewalk users, including those in wheelchairs who likely need more room to get by.
At transit stops, don't block the boarding zone, either at the front or the rear
Don't park on narrow sidewalks
Don't block curb letdowns
On pathways, park to the side of the pathway on the grass
Do not block doors, driveways, ramps, stairs, handrails, or other access points.
Do not park on narrow sidewalks
Service Area
*Subject to change without notice. Please check the Roll app for restricted zones and slow-speed zones.